Recognizing the Toyota Genuine Parts

In a sustainable, Toyota achieve its commitment to providing the best in pengalamanan a Toyota vehicles to all customers. One of the important part that can realize it is the original parts used Toyota vehicles.
At the present time is very much an imitation parts that closely resemble the original. Therefore do not be fooled when buying spare parts. How to identify genuine Toyota parts or Toyota Genuine Parts are as follows:

A. What is Toyota Genuine Parts?
Toyota Genuine Parts or Toyota Genuine Parts are parts that the manufacturer or the manufacturer has licensed from Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) with the quality meets the standards and Toyota.
A. What's the difference with fake spare parts?
Genuine Parts
Non-Genuine Parts

Quality guaranteed
Quality is not guaranteed

Toyota Warranty
No warranty Toyota

More durable
Less durable

More efficient
Cheaper, but the short lifetimes

A. How to identify counterfeit parts?
1. The packaging is very similar or even closely resembles the Toyota Genuine Parts packaging but it is a reproduction.
2. In imitation parts are original menyeruai, when considered with care not as good physical shape Toyota Genuine Parts.
3. For the imitation parts that closely resemble, the price offered is not too far with Toyota Genuine Parts, Toyota Genuine Parts example sold for 100 thousand then fake parts sold for 75 thousand.
4. Non parts Toyota Genuine Parts to use brand names and packaging that indicates its own identity.
5. Non parts maker Toyota Genuine Parts with Toyota Genuine Parts Maker. This can be seen in imitation parts are not Toyota's logo or brand.
6. Former parts that have been repaired and updated appearance (Rebuilt Parts) on bolt holes or the parts difficult to reach can be seen ever used.
A. What is the advantage using genuine Toyota parts or Toyota Genuine Parts?
1. Have originality and quality assurance Toyota
2. Designed in accordance with the specifications of Toyota vehicles.
3. Age spare parts a longer
4. Easy to install without having to make changes in advance.
5. Although the sale price is more expensive, but it has a usage period for a lot longer than the imitation.
6. Road safety assurance.