Nitrous Oxide System
Enhancements that can be used to power the engine can be increased instantly, in addition to the set of tools called turbo, engine modifications dibelantika also has long been known set of tools called NOS (Nitrous Oxide System). NOS Tool is a tool that has long been used by maniacs engine modifications to use a gas called Nitrous Oxide (N2O) which is a mixture of nitrogen with oxygen gas as engine power enhancer.
According to one of the mechanics of the Firna Protechnik nicknamed Mr. Ichsan this, NOS on the engine application is intended to enrich the combustion in the engine so that the sliding force or power can be increased. With a gas mixture of NOS with the right fuel into the engine combustion chamber, the power cars will increase significantly. This is because the gas nitrous oxide (N2O) is capable of adding the intake of oxygen for combustion, so when the N2O gas is mixed with fuel and then ignited by the ignition system of gas explosion in the room would be bigger so that engine power was increased.
Whatever type of fuel supply system in a car engine, whether it's cars still have the carburetor or injector uses, both NOS can still apply, except that the installation process is different. There are 2 types of installation for the NOS, the system Wet (Wet) and Dry (Dry). Each installation has the equipment / kit is different.
1. NOS Wet System: The process of ejection of fuel with nitrous oxide gas mixture and fired simultaneously into the engine via the engine a special injector. In wet systems on a carburetor engine, a mixture of fuel and gas NOS must be set by the size spuyer / jets, so the ratio just right, because if too many NOS gas to fuel ignition system than it can be broken machine, whereas if too much fuel compared to gas NOS, the energy produced will not be maximal (reduced effectiveness). To use NOS in the carburetor engine longer needed additional tool called the Spray Bar.
System application process is also divided into 2, namely:
o Single Point System: This system uses a single channel to mix with fuel NOS.
o Direct Port System: This system uses a separate channel on each cylinder to fire the NOS and fuel at the same time
2. Dry NOS System: NOS gas firing process and the fuel shall be separate, NOS Nozzle connected directly to the combustion chamber separately, while gasoline remains through their own channels on the injector or carburetor.