New Car Options USD 100-150 million - Automotive

Create your budget USD 100-150 million to buy a new car will probably meet a tough choice. From about 20 brands of new cars in the country, is now behind the six brands that can be obtained with these funds.

Call it Toyota, Daihatsu, Suzuki, Kia, Hyundai and products from Malaysia, Proton. Itupun left several variants and type only.

Whereas in the price range is USD 100-150 million potential buyers may be spelled out. Not just a car for first entry, but also for car buyers second, third and so on.

This was evidenced from the results of research R & D Careers 'New Car Purchase Plan' which was held in last November 2009. Of 1607 respondents who plan to buy a new car at a price of USD 100-150 million is the largest (27%). While the two positions occupied by the new car price range USD 150-200 million (24%) and achieved third position in the official price below USD 100 million (23%).

Toyota car manufacturers agreed. "Clearly dong, price range USD 100-150 million to be number one selling in Indonesia," said Achmad Rizal, marketing communication manager of PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM), ATPM Toyota.

Because, continued Rizal, in the price range is a selection of new cars the most affordable with enough spec and many balk. "In the past emang many of USD 100 million to the bottom, but now because of inflation, fuel prices, the increased income and other factors, be increased to USD 100-150 million. Precisely's USD 125-150 million," explained.


At Toyota Avanza variants are only available in this price range. But Avanza be the most realistic option. Because in addition to its brand, as well as a high resale value, the price of its spare part is affordable. With a budget of USD 100-150 million, you get some type of alternative. "From the type E to G," explained Willy Arifani Ahmad, a senior sales executive Jakpus Auto2000 Cempaka Putih.

With a budget of Rp 133 million, you can have Avanza E which has enough completeness. Like the blower and AC single seat upholstery kain.Tapi no head unit.

Add approximately USD 10 millions more, you can be up to the type of G. Here are pampered with a complete range of double blower air-conditioning, fog lamp, head unit (not CD/MP3), electric mirrors, an additional brake light at the back door (high-mounted stop lamp) and others.

Unfortunately, even though Toyota has provided automatic bertransmisi Avanza G (A / T), but the price has reached USD 158.050 million. Of course, the type of EA / T was the one who's going to be a solution for consumers who averse sore.

However, all cars purchased from Avanza Auto2000 was given a paint protection, cabin damper, guttering, and the bumper guard. And all the cars are purchased from stores received assurances from AstraWorld. "Even if there are users who need it Avanza women dressing flat tire when we can do," Willy promo.